
Effect of Nitrogen Doping on Czochralski Monocrystalline Silicon

PAM-XIAMEN is able to supply nitrogen (N) doped silicon wafers, specifications please refer to: The doping of nitrogen as an impurity into silicon crystals not only has a beneficial effect on the performance of silicon wafers, but also has an important impact on the physical and electrical properties of silicon [...]

Study on Dopants and Compensation of AlN

PAM-XIAMEN can supply AlN single crystal substrate, additional specification please refer to The main n-type AlN candidate dopants are oxygen (O) and silicon (Si), while for p-type AlN, they are magnesium (Mg) and beryllium (Be). So far, the success rate of Mg and O doping has been very low. [...]

Réduction des piqûres de surface des plaquettes épiwafer 4H-SiC

PAM-XIAMEN can supply SiC epitaxial wafers, more wafer specifications please read: Although SiC epitaxial wafers exhibit excellent characteristics in high-voltage and high current devices, there are still several types of defects that have a negative impact on the electrical performance of SiC devices. Among them, surface pits have an impact [...]

Dommages souterrains 4H-SiC

Semiconductor silicon carbide (4H SiC) has excellent properties such as wide bandgap, high breakdown field strength, high electron mobility, high thermal conductivity, and good chemical stability. It has demonstrated important application potential in fields such as power electronics, radio frequency microwave, and quantum information. The 4H-SiC substrate is the [...]

Influence du cristal de graine sur la croissance des cristaux SiC

PAM-XIAMEN can supply SiC seed crystal for single crystal growth, specific parameters can be found in: Seed crystals have a significant influence on the initial nucleation of crystals. The surface morphology of the crystal nucleation stage can to some extent reflect the rich information of crystal growth mechanism and crystal defect distribution, and [...]

Dopage Sc dans le nitrure d'aluminium (AlN)

Aluminum nitride (AlN) is a widely used III-V group nitride with a hexagonal wurtzite structure in the field of acoustic electronic devices. It has a large direct bandgap (bandgap of 6.2 eV), is compatible with CMOS technology, and has high thermal conductivity. In addition, aluminum nitride thin films have [...]

Quel est l'impact de la densité des défauts sur la mécanique du substrat 4H-SiC ?

PAM-XIAMEN can supply SiC substrates with various specifications, please get more info from: 1. Significance of Research on Correlation Between Defect Rate and Mechanical Strength It is well known that SiC defects have great negative impact to the electrical reliability and performance of chips; Their impact on the mechanical yield [...]

Comment les impuretés et la température remodèlent la résistivité du cristal de silicium ?

Silicon wafers can be supplied with specifications as found in: Silicon is a semiconductor material, and its resistivity is closely related to the doping concentration. Doping is that introducing a small amount of impurities into silicon crystals to alter their electrical properties. According to the requirements of conductivity type and [...]