
5-1 はじめに

5-1 Introduction Silicon carbide (SiC)-based semiconductor electronic devices and circuits are presently being developed for use in high-temperature, high-power, and high-radiation conditions under which conventional semiconductors cannot adequately perform. Silicon carbide’s ability to function under such extreme conditions is expected to enable significant improvements to a far-ranging variety of applications and systems. These range [...]

5-2-1 SiCの材質特性

炭化ケイ素 (SiC) 材料は現在、研究開発から市場主導の製造製品へと変貌しつつあります。 SiC 基板は現在、世界の緑色、青色、紫外発光ダイオード (LED) 生産の大部分のベースとして使用されています。 SiC ホモエピタキシーの新興市場には、高出力スイッチングが含まれます [...]

5-2-1-1 SiCの結晶構造

5-2-1-1 SiC Crystallography Silicon carbide occurs in many different crystal structures, called polytypes. Despite the fact that all SiC polytypes chemically consist of 50% carbon atoms covalently bonded with 50% silicon atoms, each SiC polytype has its own distinct set of electrical semiconductor properties. While there are over 100 known [...]

5-2-1-2 電気的特性

5-2-1-2 Electrical Properties Owing to the differing arrangement of Si and C atoms within the SiC crystal lattice, each SiC polytype exhibits unique fundamental electrical and optical properties. Some of the more important semiconductor electrical properties of the 3C, 4H, and 6H SiC polytypes are given in Table 5.1. Much more detailed electrical [...]

5-2-2-1 SiC 結晶学: 重要なポリタイプと定義

5-2-2-1 SiC Crystallography: Important Polytypes and Definitions Silicon carbide occurs in many different crystal structures, called polytypes. A more comprehensive introduction to SiC crystallography and polytypism can be found in Reference 9. Despite the fact that all SiC polytypes chemically consist of 50% carbon atoms covalently bonded with 50% silicon atoms, each SiC [...]

5-2-2-2 SiC半導体の電気的特性

5-2-2-2 SiC Semiconductor Electrical Properties Owing to the differing arrangement of Si and C atoms within the SiC crystal lattice, each SiC polytype exhibits unique fundamental electrical and optical properties. Some of the more important semiconductor electrical properties of the 3C, 4H, and 6H SiC polytypes are given in Table 5.1. Much [...]

5-3 SiCエレクトロニクスの用途とメリット

5-3 Applications and Benefits of SiC Electronics Two of the most beneficial advantages that SiC-based electronics offer are in the areas of high-temperature and high-power device operation. The specific SiC device physics that enables high-temperature and high-power capabilities will be examined first, by several examples of revolutionary system-level performance improvements these enhanced capabilities [...]

5-3-1 高温デバイスの動作

5-3-1 High-Temperature Device Operation The wide bandgap energy and low intrinsic carrier concentration of SiC allow SiC to maintain semiconductor behavior at much higher temperatures than silicon, which in turn permits SiC semiconductor device functionality at much higher temperatures than silicon . As discussed in basic semiconductor electronic device physics textbooks, semiconductor electronic [...]

5-3-2 高電力デバイスの動作

5-3-2 High-Power Device Operation The high breakdown field and high thermal conductivity of SiC coupled with high operational junction temperatures theoretically permit extremely high-power densities and efficiencies to be realized in SiC devices. The high breakdown field of SiC relative to silicon enables the blocking voltage region of a power device to be [...]

5-3-3 高出力高温 SiC デバイスのシステム利点

5-3-3 System Benefits of High-Power High-Temperature SiC Devices Uncooled operation of high-temperature and high-power SiC electronics would enable revolutionary improvements to aerospace systems. Replacement of hydraulic controls and auxiliary power units with distributed “smart” electromechanical controls capable of harsh ambient operation will enable substantial jet-aircraft weight savings, reduced maintenance, reduced pollution, higher fuel [...]