5-3-3 System Benefits of High-Power High-Temperature SiC Devices

5-3-3 System Benefits of High-Power High-Temperature SiC Devices

5-3-3 System Benefits of High-Power High-Temperature SiC Devices

Uncooled operation of high-temperature and high-power SiC electronics would enable revolutionary

improvements to aerospace systems. Replacement of hydraulic controls and auxiliary power units with

distributed “smart” electromechanical controls capable of harsh ambient operation will enable substantial

jet-aircraft weight savings, reduced maintenance, reduced pollution, higher fuel efficiency, and increased

operational reliability. SiC high-power solid-state switches will also enable large efficiency gains in

electric power management and control. Performance gains from SiC electronics could enable

the public power grid to provide increased consumer electricity demand without building additional

generation plants, and improve power quality and operational reliability through “smart” power management.

More efficient electric motor drives enabled by SiC will also benefit industrial production

systems as well as transportation systems such as diesel-electric railroad locomotives, electric mass-transit

systems, nuclear-powered ships, and electric automobiles and buses.

From the above discussions it should be apparent that SiC high-power and high-temperature solidstate

electronics promise tremendous advantages that could significantly impact transportation systems

and power usage on a global scale. By improving the way in which electricity is distributed and used,

improving electric vehicles so that they become more viable replacements for internal combustion-engine

vehicles, and improving the fuel efficiency and reducing pollution of the remaining fuel-burning engines

and generation plants, SiC electronics promises the potential to better the daily lives of all citizens of

planet Earth.

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