Dummy Grade Indium Phosphide Wafer

Dummy Grade Indium Phosphide Wafer

Wafer indium fosfida kristal tunggal kelas dummy disediakan dengan doping S yang ditanam oleh VGF. Kepekatan elektron wafer fosfida indium jenis-N mencapai 1018cm-3, dan kerintangan indium fosfida sangat rendah, umumnya 10-2~10-3Ω·cm. It is mostly used in high-speed optoelectronic devices, such as LD, LED, PIN- PD, PIN-APD and etc. EPD map of InP can be offered if necessary, please contact us at victorchan@powerwaywafer.com. The specifications of the test grade InP wafers disenaraikan seperti berikut:

Wafer fosfida indium

1. Spesifikasi Wafer Indium Fosfida di Gred Dummy

Perkara 1:

Perkara parameter UOM
Bahan Wafer Fosfida Indium
gred Gred Dummy
diameter 50.0 ± 0.5 mm
ketebalan Min: 300 Maks: 400 um
orientasi (100) ± 0.5 °
Jenis Kekonduksian / Dopant SCN / S
Negara Flat utama 16 ± 2 mm
Orientation Flat utama EJ (0-1-1)
Menengah Flat Negara 7 ± 1 mm
Orientation Flat menengah EJ (0-11)
Konsentrasi Pembawa Min: / Maks: / cm-3
kerintangan Min: / Maks: / ohm-cm
Mobility Min: / Maks: / cm2/ V * Sek
EPD Ave: / Maks: <1000 cm-2 cm-2
TTV 10 um
TIR 10 um
BOW 10 um
Warp 15 um
permukaan P / P, P / E
Pembundaran Tepi 0.25 (Sesuai dengan Piawaian SEMI) mmR
Epi-bersedia Ya
laser Mark /
Kawasan berkembar Lamellar kawasan kristal tunggal berguna dengan (100) orientasi> 80%
Pakej bekas individu yang diisi dengan N2  


Perkara 2:

Perkara parameter UOM
Bahan Substrat Fosfida Indium
gred Gred Dummy
diameter 76.2 ± 0.5 mm
ketebalan Min: 600 Maks: 650 um
orientasi (100) ± 0.5 °
Jenis Kekonduksian / Dopant SCN / S
Negara Flat utama 22 ± 1 mm
Orientation Flat utama EJ
Menengah Flat Negara 12 ± 1 mm
Orientation Flat menengah EJ
Konsentrasi Pembawa Min: / Maks: / cm-3
kerintangan Min: / Maks: / ohm-cm
Mobility Min: / Maks: / cm2/ V * Sek
EPD Ave: / Maks: <1000 cm-2 cm-2
TTV 10 um
TIR 10 um
BOW 10 um
Warp 15 um
permukaan P / P, P / E
Pembundaran Tepi 0.25 (Sesuai dengan Piawaian SEMI) mmR
Epi-bersedia Ya
laser Mark /
Kawasan berkembar Lamellar kawasan kristal tunggal berguna dengan (100) orientasi> 80%
Pakej bekas individu yang diisi dengan N2


Perkara 3:

Perkara parameter UOM
Bahan Wafer Fosfida Indium
gred Gred Dummy
diameter 100.0 ± 0.5 mm
ketebalan Min: 600 Maks: 650 um
orientasi (100) ± 0.5 °
Jenis Kekonduksian / Dopant SCN / S
Negara Flat utama 32.5 ± 1 mm
Orientation Flat utama EJ
Menengah Flat Negara 18 ± 1 mm
Orientation Flat menengah EJ
Konsentrasi Pembawa Min: / Maks: / cm-3
kerintangan Min: / Maks: / ohm-cm
Mobility Min: / Maks: / cm2/ V * Sek
EPD Ave: / Maks: <1000 cm-2 cm-2
TTV 10 um
TIR 10 um
BOW 10 um
Warp 15 um
permukaan P / P, P / E
Pembundaran Tepi 0.25 (Sesuai dengan Piawaian SEMI) mmR
Epi-bersedia Ya
laser Mark /
Kawasan berkembar Lamellar kawasan kristal tunggal berguna dengan (100) orientasi> 80%
Pakej bekas individu yang diisi dengan N2



2. Aplikasi Dummy Grade Indium Phosphide

Dummy grade InP wafer digunakan untuk ujian proses pertumbuhan epi dan pencirian komposisi pada lapisan epitaxial. Ia tidak sesuai untuk struktur alat etsa, seperti pandu gelombang dan parutan optik kerana kristal berkembar dan kemungkinan lubang orientasi wafer di sisi kembar.

Microtwin atau garis keturunan permukaan wafer <20% boleh diterima.

3. Sifat Indium Fosfida

Indium phosphide is a group III-V compound semiconductor material compounded by the combination of group III element indium (In) and group V element phosphorus (P). It has a zinc blende structure with a indium phosphide lattice constant of 0.586 9 nm. InP single crystal is soft and brittle, silver-gray with metallic luster. The indium phosphide band gap at room temperature is 1.344 eV, which is a direct transition band structure. The emission wavelength is 0.92 um, the intrinsic carrier concentration of InP at room temperature is 2×107cm-3, dan pergerakan elektron dan lubang adalah 4 500 cm2/ Vs dan 150 cm2 / V · s masing-masing.

Struktur kristal fosfida indium

Struktur Kristal Indium Fosfida

4. Proses Pembuatan Wafer InP

Indium fosfat mempunyai struktur kristal kubik berpusat muka yang hampir sama dengan gallium arsenide GaAs dan kebanyakan semikonduktor III-V. Wafer fosfida indium mesti disediakan sebelum pembuatan peranti dan mesti bertindih untuk menghilangkan kerosakan permukaan semasa mengiris. Wafer dummy dari InP kemudiannya digilap mekanikal kimia (CMP) untuk peringkat penyingkiran bahan akhir, memungkinkan untuk mendapatkan permukaan cermin dengan kekasaran ultra-rata skala atom.

However, the growth process of indium phosphide from raw materials to ingots to wafers is very difficult. During the growth process, a high temperature of 1070℃ and extreme pressure are required. In addition, the atomic structure may change. What comes out may not meet expectations. From raw materials to ingots to a 2-inch or 4-inch indium phosphide single crystal wafer, the yield is generally about 28%, and the technical threshold is very high. Therefore, PAM-XIAMEN is one of the indium phosphide wafer suppliers that can successfully control the growth technology of indium phosphide. Relying on VGF, VB method crystal growth technology, high surface quality wire cutting technology, ultra-flat mechanical chemical polishing technology, ultra-clean surface cleaning technology and other related core technologies, the commercialization of indium phosphide wafers tends to be stable, and the products provided by PAM-XIAMEN are mainly used in optical fiber communications, optical detectors, infrared optics, high-frequency millimeter wave communications and other fields. In addition to the current application areas, the monocrystalline indium phosphide wafer substrate will expand in the terahertz field used in 6G communications.

5. Pembangunan Masa Depan Bahan InP

In fact, InP substrate material is the most critical core material in the optical communication industry chain, ultra-high frequency millimeter wave radar, infrared detection and other fields. It is  inseparable from indium phosphide since the demand for higher bandwidth continues to grow, especially in the Human-driven cars, 5G communications, even the implementation and application of 6G, 7G, and 8G in the future. The indium phosphide wafer market at dummy or prime grade will usher in rapid growth, thereby, the indium phosphide wafer cost will go down.


Untuk maklumat lebih lanjut, sila hubungi kami melalui e-mel di victorchan@powerwaywafer.com dan powerwaymaterial@gmail.com.

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