
Progressi nella ricerca sulla generazione di laser a femtosecondi nel medio infrarosso da cristalli di carburo di silicio

PAM-XIAMEN can supply SiC crystals, more specifications are found in Mid infrared laser (3-5μm) has important applications in environmental monitoring, gas molecule recognition, coherent tomography, and other fields. Especially in recent years in the research of generating single attosecond pulses from high-order harmonics, due to the fact that periodic level mid [...]

Progressi nella crescita TSSG di cristalli singoli 3C-SiC su scala wafer

Single crystal 3C-SiC substrate can be supplied with specifications as: Silicon carbide (SiC) has excellent properties such as wide bandgap, high breakdown field strength, high saturation electron drift rate, and high thermal conductivity, and has important applications in fields such as new energy vehicles, photovoltaics, and 5G communication. Compared with [...]

Studio su un metodo generale per lucidare i wafer SiC fino alla planarità a livello atomico

Silicon carbide (SiC) is crucial for the growth of graphene as a substrate material for epitaxial graphene. PAM-XIAMEN can offer SiC substrate for graphene growth, specification as Graphene grown on different crystal planes of SiC has different electronic properties. Therefore, selecting SiC substrates with different crystal planes to grow [...]

Ricerca sull'effetto di compensazione nel tipo P 4H-SiC drogato con Al da parte di PVT

PAM-XIAMEN is able to supply you with P type SiC substrate, more specifications please see: SiC single crystal has the characteristics of wide bandgap, high critical breakdown electric field, high thermal conductivity, high carrier saturation drift speed, and good stability. Among the numerous crystal forms of SiC, 4H-SiC has [...]

Studio sul cristallo singolo AlN coltivato su cristallo seme AlN

Single crystal AlN substrate can be provided with specifications as found in AlN single crystal is the direct bandgap semiconductor material with the largest bandgap width (6.2 eV), which has excellent characteristics such as extremely high breakdown field strength, excellent thermal conductivity, stable physical and chemical properties. Moreover, AlN single [...]

Crescita PVT 4H-SiC: raggiungimento della stabilità di crescita della struttura cristallina

PAM-XIAMEN can supply you with 4H-SiC wafers fitting your demands, specifications as found in The control of a single crystal form during the growth process of SiC crystals is a complex problem, involving the selection of multiple growth parameters and the optimization of temperature field structure, and the parameters are [...]

Effetto del doping con azoto sul silicio monocristallino Czochralski

PAM-XIAMEN is able to supply nitrogen (N) doped silicon wafers, specifications please refer to: The doping of nitrogen as an impurity into silicon crystals not only has a beneficial effect on the performance of silicon wafers, but also has an important impact on the physical and electrical properties of silicon [...]

Studio sui droganti e compensazione dell'AlN

PAM-XIAMEN can supply AlN single crystal substrate, additional specification please refer to The main n-type AlN candidate dopants are oxygen (O) and silicon (Si), while for p-type AlN, they are magnesium (Mg) and beryllium (Be). So far, the success rate of Mg and O doping has been very low. [...]